tareas de ingles

“Centros  de  estudios  tecnológicos  industrial  y  de  servicios  no.82”
“miguel  hidalgo  y  costilla”

Daniel  isidro  Chi  Hernández

Ingles 5

Antonio  morales

Grado  y  grupo:


  Champotón  Campeche a,  noviembre  del  2014.

 Futuro simpe
+  sujeto  +  will  +  verbo  +  complemento.
     Fernando   will  play  base  ball  next  month

-  sujeto  +  will not  +  verbo  +complemento.
     Fernando  will  not  play  base  ball  next  month

?  will  +  sujeto  +verbo  +complemento.
    Will  Fernando  play  base  ball  next  month?

Pasar  a  futuro  simple  en  ( +, -, ?,).

1) María  llegara  el  próximo  sábado.
María  will  ariben  next  Saturday
María  will  not  ariben  next  Saturday.
Will  María  ariben  next  Saturday.?

2) ellos comerán en el restaurante de la plaza.
They  will  cat  in  the  restaurant  on  the  moll.
They  will  not  cat  in  the  restaurant  on  the  moll.
Will they  cat  in  the  restaurant  on  the  moll.?

3) nosotros limpiaremos el patio de mi casa.
We  will  clean  the  yard  of  my  house.
We  will  not  clean  the  yeard  of  my  house.
Will  we  clean  the  yeard  of  my  house.?

4) tú compraras la pintura para tu casa.
Your  will  boy  the  paint  for  the  house.
Your  will  not  boy  the  paint  for  the  house.
Will  your  boy  the  paint  for  the  house.?

5) Román  manejara  el  autobús  de  la  escuela
Román  will  drive  the  bus  from  the  school.
Román  will  not  drive  the  bus  from  the  school.
Will  Román  drive  the  bus  from  the  school.?

6) nosotros iremos de pesca.
We  will  go  fishing
We  will  not  go  fishing
Wil  we  go  fishing ?

7) el  ayudara  a  su  papa  en  las  vacaciones.
Hi  will  holp  your  dad  in  the  vacation
Hi  will  not  holp  your  dad  in  the  vacation.
Will  hi  holp  your  da  in  the  vacation.?

8) rosa  viajara  en  avión  a  Italia.
Rosa  will  travel  by  plano  to  Italia.
Rora  will  not  travel  by  plano  to  Italia
Will  rosa  travel  by  plano  to  Italia.?

9) Ustedes  aran  la  comida  para el  sábado.
You  will  make  the  meal  for  the  Saturday.
You  will  not  make  the  meal  for  the  Saturday.
Will  you  make  the  meal  for  the  Saturday.?

10) nosotros llevaremos refrescos para la fiesta.
We  will  clean  light  rofroshmont  for  the  party.
We  will  not  clean  light  rofroshmont  for  the  party
Will  we  clean  light  rofroshmont  for  the  party.?

 Ordena las frases y tradúcelas a futuro simple.
1) will-bite-mario-his-cake.
Mario will bite his cake.
Mario morderá su pastel.

2) they-boild-a house-will-to dog.
They will bouildto dog a house.
Ellos centraran una casa para el perro.

3) you-will-come-not-in bus
You will not come in bus.
Tu  no vendrás en el autobús.

4) will-luisa-her  buy friend-forgive.
Luisa will forgive her boy friend.
Luisa perdonara a su novio.

5) you-will-give me-a kiss.
You will give me a kiss.
Tú me darás un beso.

6) will-always-I-love you.
I will  always love you.
Yo siempre te amare.

7) the kids-learn-will-anew song
The kids will learn a new song.
Los niños aprenderán a tocar una nueva canción.

8) sell-will-not-my- grandmother-ald table.
My grandmother will not old table.
Mi abuela no venderá la vieja mesa  

9) will-the bays-read-the honch back of the notre dame.
The bays will read the honch back of the notre dame.
Los niños verán el jorobado de nutre dame.

10) he-won’t-tv-see.
He won’t  see tv
El no vera la t.v.

 Traduce a futuro simple.
1) Mis amigos aran tarea en  mi casa.
My friends will do task in my house
My friends woh’t do task in my house
Will my friends do task in my house?

2) nosotros viviremos en Yucatán el próximo año.
We will live in yucatan the next year
We won’t live in yucatan the next year
Will we live in yucatan the next year?

3) tu enviaras los regalos por tren
Your will send the gift for tain
Your won’t send the gift for tain
Will your send the gift for tain?

4) estudiare en la universidad porque seré ingeniero.
I will study in the university because i will be engineer
I won’t study in the university because i will be engineer.
Wil i study in the univercity bacause i will be engineer?

 5) ellos trabajaran en mi oficina.
They will work in my office.
They won’t work in my office.
Will they work in my office?

If should stay
I would only be in your my
So I’ll go, but  I know
I’ll think of you avery step
Of the way

and I will always love you
I will always love you
You, my dayling you

Britter sweet memories
That isa ll I’m taking with me
So good byc, please don’t cry
We both know, I’m net waat you, you need.

And I will always love you
I will always love you
I lope life treast you kind
And I hope you have all yodwe
Dreamed of and I wish you
Joy and happines
Dot above all this, Iwish you love
And I will always love you
I will always lobe you
You Darling, I love you.
You darlyng, I love you
I’ll always, I’ll always love you.

Si debe permanecer
Yo solo iba a estar en tu camino
Así que me voy a ir, pero se
Si voy a pensar en ti cada paso
De la manera.

Y siempre te amare
Siempre te amare
Usted, mi querido usted

Dulces recuerdos amados
Eso es todo. Me llevo con migo
Así que adiós, por favor no lleves
Ambos. Es ahora, yo no soy lo que,

Y yo siempre te amare
Siempre te amare

Espero que tu necesidad y yo
Siempre te amare y espero que
Tengas todo lo que soñaste.
Te deseo alegría y felicidad.

Pero por encima de todo eso, te deseo amor
Y yo siempre te amare.
Siempre te quiere
Usted querida, te quiero.

La vos pasiva
Para poder pasar la vos activa ala vos pasiva solo hay que:
1)  cambiar el orden del sujeto y el objeto.
2)  cambiar el auxiliar “to be” en el tiempo verbal de la vos activa.
3)  añadir el participio del verbo principal.

V.A. John writes the letter.
V.P. the letter is writes by John.

V.A. John wrote the leter.
V.P. the was write by John.

Presente perfecto
V.A. John has writhen the leter
V.P. the letter has been written by John

V.A. John will write the letter
V.P. the letter will be written by John

Pasar a presente, pasado, presente perfecto, futuro.
Ellos juegan con el balón.
V.A. they play with te ball
V.P. they  ball is play by they.

V.A. they  played  whit  the ball
V.P. the ball was played by they

Presente perfecto
V.A. they has  played the ball
V.P. the ball has been played by they

V.A. they will play the ball
V.P. the ball will by play by they

1)  Cristóbal colon descubrió américa
América is discover by Cristóbal colon
América was discover by Cristóbal colon
América has discober by Cristóbal colon
América will be discober by Cristóbal colon

2)  Felipe calderón gobernó México
México is gobern by Felipe calderón
México was gobern by Felipe calderón
México has gobern by Felipe calderón
México will  gobern by Felipe calderón

3) Nosotros compramos cerveza en el supermercado
The beer is buy in the supermarket by we
The beer was ought in the supermarket by we
The beer has been ought  in the supermarket by we
The beer will be buy in the supermarket by we

 4) tú lavas la ropa de tu hermano.
The clothes of you brother is wash by you?
The clother of  you brother was wash by you?
The clother  of you  brother has bee wash by you?
The clother of you brother will wash by you?

Acomoda las frases:
1)  peter writers a letter the his girt friend
The letter tho is girt friend is writers by peter.

2) the are inviting 10 friends thu the party
To the party 10 friends are inviting by they

3) she boys a new computer
A hew computer is boyht by she

4) the pólice caught the thieres yesterday
The thieres yesterday are caught by this pólice

5) the main cleaned the voom yesterday
The vom is cleaned yesterday by the main

6) my brother hitme
Hitmy by my brother

7) the are visiting London right now
Right now they are visiting London

8) Mauricio stuclied english right now
    years ago Mauricio studiend english

9) we bolit new house last moth
The last month we built a now house

10) my mother clean the room
Tho room ey my mother

1)  Raquel   begin a new homework with us
A new home work begin with us Raquel
A new home work was begin with us Raquel
A new home  work has been begin with us Raquel
A new home work will been begin with us Raquel

2) they braw my school
My school  is drawn by they
My school was drawn by they
My school has been drawn by they
My school will be drawn by they

3) we find a ball in the yard
In the gard a ball is found by we
In the gard a ball was found by me
In the gard a ball has found by me
In the gard a ball will found by me

4) you freze fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables is frozen by you
Fruit and vegetables was frozen by you
Fruit and vegetables has frozen by you
Fruit  and vegetables will frozen by you

5) she keep a beautiful frower
A beautiful frower is kept by she
A beautiful frower was  kept by she
A beautiful frower has kept by she
A beautiful frower will kept by she

6) he pay my car in the bank
In the bank my car is paid by he
In the bank my  car was paid by he
In the bank my car has paid by he
In the  bank my car will paid by he

7) the sell book in the supermarket
In the supermarket is book by they
In the supermarket was book by they
In the supermarket has book by they
In the supermarkey will book by they

8) yuo say my name
 My name is said by you
My name was said by you
My name is has said by you
Mi name is will said bi you

9) romeo sing a beautiful song
A beautiful song is sing by romero
A beautiful song was sing by romero
A beautiful song has sing by romero 
A beautiful song will sing by romero

10) we sleep in the forest
In the forest is slept we
In the forest was slept we
In the forest has slept we
In the forest will slept we

Have tu-tienes

Cuando utilizamos el “must” y el “have tu” el emisor tiene convicción de que la obligación va hacer ampliada mientras que cuando utilizamos “should” no se debe si se va  a seguir el consejo.

You must come have inmediately
You have tu come hare inmediately
You should come have inmediately

1) Tú  debes hacer la tarea
Your must do the task

2) ella tiene un hermoso carro
She have tu a beautiful car

3) tú deberías comer frutas y verduras
You moot eat fruits and vegetables

4) ellos deben guardar silencio
They should keep silence

5) nosotros tenemos un perro, un gato  y un ave
We have to a dog, a cat a bird

6) ustedes deberían estudiar en casa
You should study in he uce

7) elle debe cocinar espagueti
She most cook spagheti

8) Él tiene que ir al doctor
He hare to go the doctor

9) Tú deberías tomar mucha agua
You should take many water

10) si tú quieres tener una buena figura deberías hacer ejercicio
If you waat have a good figure you must to do eyercice

1) I must fly tomorrow
Yo debo bailar mañana

2) you must pot your name in the notebook
Tu debes poner tu nombre en tu libreta

3) she must say yes, I get married with you
Ella debe decir si yo acepto casarme con tigo

4) he must sweep his room
Él debe barrer su cuarto

5) we must swin in  the rio
Ustedes deben bañarse en el rio

6) the must tomatoe and onion
Él debe picar tomate y cebolla

Ordena  correctamente
1) tomorrow-I-fly-must
I must fly tomorrow

2) put-you-name-your-in the notebook-must
You must put your name in the notebook

3) he-say-yes-must-married-with you-I get
He must say yes iget married withyou

4) sweep-his-rom-must-he
He must sweep his rom

5) string-tomatoe-and-they-must-onion
They must string tomatoe and onion

* Para expresar habilidad
I can swim

* Para expresar posibilidades
Can I help you?

*  Estructura gramática.
+ Sujeto + can + verbo +complemento.
- sujeto + can’t + verbo + complemento.
? Can + sujeto + verbo + complemento.

1)  ellos pueden hacer su tarea
They can do their home work

2) tu puedes levantarte a las 6:00 am.
You can get up to 6:00 am.

3) Román puede  lavar su pantalón.
Román can wash your pants.

4) Mónica puede estudiar en mi casa.
Mónica can study in my house

5) nosotros podemos hacer el pastel
We can do the cake

6) ustedes pueden  vivir en mi casa
You can live in my house

7) Puedes venir con  mi primo?
Can you come my cousin?

8) pueden pintar la casa?
Can you paint the house?

9) puedes comer pescado
Can you cat fish

10) no puede viajar hoy
I can’t  travel today

1) Tú puedes tomar jugo de naranja pero no puedes tomar leche porque te enfermas
You can take orange juice but you can’t take milk  for you sick

2) ellos pueden leer el periódico pero no pueden escuchar la radio
They can read the news paper but cannot listen radio

3) mis amigos pueden aprender carate pero no pueden bailar
My friends can learn caratebut cannot dance

4) ella puede cerrar la tienda pero no puede llevar el dinero al banco
She can closet he shop but cannot bring the bank money

5) nosotros podemos enviar correos electrónicos pero no podemos enviar cartas
We can send emalls but we cannot send letters

6) Sonia puede dar clase de español pero no puede dar clases de francés
Sonia can give spanish classes but cannot give francés classes.

7) tu puedes venir a mi casa pero no puedes romper nada
You can come to my house but cannot  break nothing

8) Jorge puede batear pero no puede atrapar pelotas
Jorge can hit but cannot catch balls

9) tu puedes disparar flechas pero no puedes disparar balas
You can shoot arrows bat cannot shoot bollets

Futuro idiomático
+  Sujeto + am, is, are +going to + verbo  + complemento.
He is going to play baseball next weekend

- sujeto + aren’t, isn’t, am not + going to +  verbo + complemento
He isn’t going to play baseball nex weekend

? am, is, are + sujeto + going to + verbo + complemento
Is he going to play baseball nex weekend

1) ellos van a comer en mi casa el próximo sábado
They are going to eat my house the next Saturday
they aren’t going to eat my house the next Saturday
are they going to eat my house the next saturday

2) ellos van a buscar el tesoro en la isla
They are going to go search the tesore in the island
They aren’t going to go search the tesore in the island
Are they going to go search the tesore in the island

3) nosotros vamos a ir al cine el fin de semana
We are going to go the cine the and of weekend
We aren’t going to go the cine the and of weekend
Are we going  to go the cine the and of weekend

4) Ana va a soñar con una boda perfecta
Ana is going to dream a weeging perfect
Ana  isn’t  going to dream a weeging perfect
Is Ana  isn’t going to dream a weeging perfect

5) Yolanda va a soplar su pastel de cumpleaños
Yolanda is going to blow your cake of birthday
Yolanda isn’t going to blow your cake of birthday
Is Yolanda  going to blow your cake of birthday

6) el canelo va a pelear el próximo diciembre
The canelo is going to fight the next december
The canelo isn’t going to fight the next december
Is the canelo  going to fight the next december

7) él va a trabajar en la escuela
 The is going to work in the school
The isn’t going to work in the school
Is the going to work in the school

8) nosotros vamos a leer el libro de química
We are going to read the book of chemistry
We aren’t going to read the book of chemistry
Is we going to read the book of chemistry

9) ellos van a prender acerca de contabilidad
They are going to learn  about of contability
The aren’t going to learn about of contability
Are the going to learn about of contability

10) nosotros vamos a viajar a Europa
We are going to travel europe
We aren’t going to travel europe
Are we going to travel europe

1)  Yesica va a  bailar valet clásico moderno
Yesica is going to dance ballet classic modern
Yesica isn’t going to dance ballet classic modern
Is Yesica going to dance ballet  classic modern

2) Rodrigo va a construir un barco de madera
Rodrigo is going to build a boat of  Wood
Rodrigo isn’t going to build a boat of Wood
Is Rodrigo going to build a boat of Wood

3) ellos van a  comprar los boletos para el concierto de Riki Martin
The are going to buy the  tickets for the concert of riki martin
The aren’t going to buy the tickets for the concert of riki martin
Are the going to buy the tichets for the concert of riki martin 

4) ellos van a aconocer a las jirafas del zoológico
They are going to know to the jiraffe of zoo
They aren’t going to know to the jiraffe of zoo
Are they going to know to the jiraffe of zoo

 + sujeto + would + verbo + complemento
I would like a cap tea

- sujeto + wouldn’t + verbo + complemento
I wouldn’t like a cap tea

? would + sujeto + verbo + complemento
Would you like a cap tea

a) buenos días
b) buenos días, puedo ayudarle
a) si por favor, me gustaría 3 hamburguesas, 2 perros calientes y 5 refrescos
b) mmm, no tenemos perros calientes
a) bueno tiene pizza
b) si de jamón y tocino
a) me gustaría 2 piezas de pizza
b) le gustaría algún postre
a) si quiero 2 rebanadas de pastel y 3 helados de vainilla
b) eso es todo
a) si, cuanto es
b) son 500 pesos
a) gracias
b) de nada

  Traducir a ingles
a)  good morning
b) good morning, i can help you
a) if please, i would like to 3 burgers, 2 hot dogs and 5 refreshments
b) mmm, not we have hot days
a) good has pizza
b) if of ham and bacon
a) i woul 2 pieces of pizza
b) would like to some dessert
a) if I 2 slices of cake and 3 ice cream of vainilla
b) that is all
a) if as is
b) are 500 pesos
a) thaks
b) of nothing

Bienvenidos jóvenes hoy nos vivita patricio, él es de carolina del norte y vino  a conocer como celebramos, el día de muertos, espero que ustedes puedan ser sus anfitriones.
Patricio quiere conocer la comida  tradicional que se pone sobre el altar, los dulces y bebidas. Y  por qué hacemos este ritual. 
Démosle la bienvenida con un fuerte aplauso a nuestro visitante patricio baln.

 Traducir a inglés.
Welcome goong  today we visit patricio he is nort carolina and come to know as we celebrate the day of the dead, I hope, you can be your hosts, patricio food  to kow that gets tradicional on the alter, sweets and driks and be cause we do this ritual. Adding welcome with a stong applause to our visitor patricio baln.

a) buenas noches.
Hoy tenemos a un invitado especial en  nuestro programa, “24 horas”, donde entrevistaremos a un alumno que viene de carolina del norte. Empezaremos la entrevista. Podrías decirme cuál es tu nombre, edad, donde estudias y cuáles son tus gustos y preferencias.
b) hola, mi nombre es patricio bal, tengo 19 años, estudio en la preparatoria de carolina del norte, me gusta, montar a caballo, nadar y jugar beisbol. Trabajo en una tienda de alimentos orgánicos  y los fines de semana, en un cine. Estoy muy contento de estar aquí porque voy a conocer más de la cultura mexicana.

Traducir a ingles
a) good night
to day we have a special goest to our program, “24 hours”, when interview to a student comin from noth carolina. We will the interview. Could you tell us which is you name, age, where you study and which are your tastes and preferences.
b)  hello, my name is patricio bal, I have 19 study in high school of north carolina, i like, mount horse, swimming  and play  baseball. Work in a organic food shop and weekends, in the cinema. I’m very happy to be here by that i will know more tham mexican culture.

Él es mi hermano Roberto, tiene 32 años es abogado y trabaja en la compañía de nestre. El es casado tiene 1 hijo y 2 hijas. Su esposa es doctora, su nombre es maricela tiene 32 años y trabaja en el hospital de la misericordia ellos viven en Pachuca hidalgo pero vendrá en diciembre para celebrar navidad y año nuevo. Ya quero que sea diciembre.

Traducir a inglés.

He is my brother Roberto, i am 32  years is lawyer, and Word in the Nestlé company. He is  married have a son y two   daugters. His wrife  is a doctor, her  name is marisela, she is 32  years and work in the hospital of merry. they live in pachuca  hidalgo but they in december fur celebrity christmas and new year.
already want is december

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